Results for 'Roger O. Plail'

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  1.  29
    A nutritional, haematological and sociological study of a group of Chilean Children under the age of 5 years.Roger O. Plail & Janet M. S. Young - 1977 - Journal of Biosocial Science 9 (3):353-369.
    A survey was carried out on 108 Chilean children and a selection of their families. The factors studied were: (1) social, (2) demographic and dietaryto assess the incidence and degree of malnutrition and (4) haematology—to determine the incidence of anaemia.
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    Consciousness avoided.Roger Fellows & Anthony O'Hear - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 36 ( 1-2):73 – 91.
    In Consciousness Explained, Dennett systematically deconstructs the notion of consciousness, emptying it of its central and essential features. He fails to recognize the self?intimating nature of experience, in effect reducing experiences to reports or judgments that so?and?so is the case. His information?processing model of meaning is unable to account for semantics, the way in which speakers and hearers relate strings of symbols to the world. This ability derives ultimately from our animal nature as experiencers, though culturally supplemented in various ways. (...)
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    When immovable objections meet irresistible evidence: A case of selective reporting.Roger O. Nelson & Dean I. Radin - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):600.
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    Modern Philosophy.Anthony O'Hear & Roger Scruton - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):276.
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    The other eukaryotes in light of evolutionary protistology.Maureen A. O’Malley, Alastair G. B. Simpson & Andrew J. Roger - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (2):299-330.
    In order to introduce protists to philosophers, we outline the diversity, classification, and evolutionary importance of these eukaryotic microorganisms. We argue that an evolutionary understanding of protists is crucial for understanding eukaryotes in general. More specifically, evolutionary protistology shows how the emphasis on understanding evolutionary phenomena through a phylogeny-based comparative approach constrains and underpins any more abstract account of why certain organismal features evolved in the early history of eukaryotes. We focus on three crucial episodes of this history: the origins (...)
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    Photo Provocations: Thinking in, with, and About Photographs.Brian Clark O'Connor & Roger B. Wyatt - 2004 - Scarecrow Press.
    O'Connor and Wyatt use more than 250 color photographs and illustrations to help us break out of the linear mode and see the world differently.
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    Capacity Assessment in Emergency Surgery.Selwyn O. Rogers & Darren S. Bryan - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (3):270-272.
    Informed consent is a necessary component of the ethical practice of surgery. Ideally, consent is performed in a setting conducive to a robust patient-provider conversation, with careful consideration of risks, benefits, and outcomes. For patients with medical or surgical emergencies, navigating the consent process can be complicated and requires both careful and expedited assessment of decision-making capacity. We present a recent case in which a patient in need of emergency care refused intervention, requiring urgent capacity assessment and a modification to (...)
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  8. A neurocognitive perspective on current learning theory and science instructional strategies.O. Roger Anderson - 1997 - Science Education 81 (1):67-89.
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  9. Quantitative analysis of content organization in some biology texts varying in textual composition.O. Roger Anderson & Steven Botticelli - 1990 - Science Education 74 (2):167-182.
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  10. The role of ideational networks in laboratory inquiry learning and knowledge of evolution among seventh grade students.O. Roger Anderson, David Randle & Tom Covotsos - 2001 - Science Education 85 (4):410-425.
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  11. Roman Amheida: Excavating a Town in Egypt's Dakhleh Oasis.Roger S. Bagnall, P. Davoli, O. E. Kaper & H. Whitehouse - 2006 - Minerva 17:4.
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    Monastic Quest and Interreligious Dialogue.Roger J. Corless, Gilbert G. Hardy & O. Cist - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:266.
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  13. The Challenge of a Contemporary Philosophy to Religion.O. Rogers Jones - 1954 - Hibbert Journal 53:145.
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  14. Introduction. "I feel like I've heard it before" : The Audiovisual Echoes of YouTube.Holly Rogers, Joana Freitas & João Francisco Porfírio - 2023 - In Holly Rogers, Joana Freitas & João Francisco Porfírio, Remediating sound: repeatable culture, YouTube and music. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Photosynthetic Systems Suggest an Evolutionary Pathway to Diderms.Scott O. Rogers - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):343-358.
    Bacteria are divided primarily into monoderms and diderms. Photosynthetic species are spread among the taxonomic groups, some having type I reaction centers, others with type II reaction centers, and some containing both. In most bacterial phylograms, photosystem types and diderm taxa are polyphyletic. A more parsimonious arrangement, which is supported by photosystem evolution, as well as additional sets of molecular characters, suggests that endosymbiotic events resulted in the formation of the diderms. In the model presented, monoderms readily form a monophyletic (...)
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    Education and Indoctrination: An Attempt at Definition and a Review of Social and Political Implications.Roger Scruton, Angela Ellis-Jones & Dennis O'Keeffe - 1985
  17.  60
    Book Reviews Section 3.Roger R. Woock, Howard K. Macauley Jr, John M. Beck, Janice F. Weaver, Patti Mcgill Peterson, Stanley L. Goldstein, A. Richard King, Don E. Post, Faustine C. Jones, Edward H. Berman, Thomas O. Monahan, William R. Hazard, J. Estill Alexander, William D. Page, Daniel S. Parkinson, Richard O. Dalbey, Frances J. Nesmith, William Rosenfield, Verne Keenan, Robert Girvan & Robert Gallacher - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):84-99.
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  18. Research led by participants: a new social contract for a new kind of research.Effy Vayena, Roger Brownsword, Sarah Jane Edwards, Bastian Greshake, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Navjoyt Ladher, Jonathan Montgomery, Daniel O'Connor, Onora O'Neill, Martin P. Richards, Annette Rid, Mark Sheehan, Paul Wicks & John Tasioulas - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):216-219.
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    Essays in Critical Realism a Co-Operative Study of the Problem of Knowledge.Durant Drake, Arthur O. Lovejoy, James Bissett Pratt, Arthur Kenyon Rogers & George Santayana - 1920 - London, England: Macmillan & Co..
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    Ireland, Past and Present. [REVIEW]Roger T. O'Callahan - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (3):519-521.
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    In the Steps of Moses. [REVIEW]Roger T. O’Callaghan - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (1):169-170.
  22.  42
    Metacognitive Therapy for Depression Reduces Interpersonal Problems: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial.Eivind R. Strand, Roger Hagen, Odin Hjemdal, Leif E. O. Kennair & Stian Solem - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Sweetness and saltiness of compound solutions of sucrose and NaCl as a function of concentration of solutes.J. G. Beebe-Center, M. S. Rogers, W. H. Atkinson & D. N. O'Connell - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (4):231.
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  24. A model of the effects of rate of teacher communication on student acquisition of information.Harkirat S. Dhindsa & O. Roger Anderson - 1992 - Science Education 76 (4):353-371.
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  25. (1 other version)Essays in Critical Realism; A Co-operative Study of the Problem of Knowledge.Durant Drake, Arthur O. Lovejoy, James Bissett Pratt, Arthur K. Rogers, George Santa-Yana & Roy Wood Sellars - 1921 - Mind 30 (119):339-346.
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    Deliberate Introductions of Species: Research Needs.John Ewel, Dennis O'Dowd, Joy Bergelson, Curtis Daehler, Carla D'Antonio, Luis Diego Gómez, Doria Gordon, Richard Hobbs, Alan Holt, Keith Hopper, Colin Hughes, Marcy LaHart, Roger Leakey, William Lee, Lloyd Loope, David Lorence, Svata Louda, Ariel Lugo, Peter McEvoy, David Richardson & Peter Vitousek - 1999 - BioScience 49 (8).
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    The Effect of Environmental Activism on the Long-run Market Value of a Company: A Case Study.Robert Lewis, Gary O’Donovan & Roger Willett - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):455-476.
    This paper investigates the impact of activism on a large, powerful corporation in Tasmania. Gunns Ltd was a large woodchip processor in Tasmania that fought a long-running battle with environmental activists regarding Gunns’ logging and processing activities. The study focuses on events in 2004–2005, when Gunns applied to build a pulp mill in rural northern Tasmania and began a legal case against activists. The research question is whether there is clear statistical evidence that these events were important, as is widely (...)
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    How abstract is French phonology?Elisabeth O. Selkirk & Jean-Roger Vergnaud - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10 (2):249-254.
  29.  18
    Aram Naharaim: A Contribution to the History of Upper Mesopotamia in the Second Millenium B. C.E. A. Speiser & Roger T. O'Callaghan - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (4):307.
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  30. Aristotle’s Conception of Τò Καλόυ.Kelly Rogers - 1993 - Ancient Philosophy 13 (2):355.
    All the virtues, Aristotle says, are undertaken for the sake of the noble ("to kalon"). Curiously, however, he offers no direct account of this concept, despite its role as the end ("telos") of virtue. Fortunately, two patterns of usage in Aristotle's ethical discourse offer a means to clarification. Aristotle is found to link nobility jointly with his conceptions of appropriateness and praiseworthiness. An examination of these usage- patterns is found not only to elucidate Aristotle's view of nobility, moreover, but to (...)
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    The Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God by Nicholas E. Lombardo, O.P.Roger W. Nutt - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):317-321.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God by Nicholas E. Lombardo, O.P.Roger W. NuttThe Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God. By Nicholas E. Lombardo, O.P. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. ix + 270. $99.00 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-19-968858-6.The centrality that Christ’s death by crucifixion has in Christian life, doctrine, and culture is scarcely in need of elaboration. Nevertheless, the relation between (...)
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    Family framing and the comedy of conventions in Ruben östlund’s force majeure.Roger Edholm - 2018 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 27 (55-56):116-133.
    Ruben Östlund’s Force Majeure centres around a Swedish family vacationing at a ski resort in the Alps. The film depicts how the family breaks down after the father leaves his wife and children behind while fleeing from a possible avalanche. This breakdown is reflected in the film’s use of framing. In the opening scenes, the viewer is presented with a series of family portraits. After the averted disaster, the family is no longer shown as a coherent whole. Framing in Force (...)
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  33. Obituary: W.V.O. Quine, 1908–2000.Roger Harris - 2001 - Radical Philosophy 107.
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  34. Nekolik poznámek O heideggerovi.Velká Británia Roger Scruton - 1991 - Filozofia 46 (1):70.
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    Gabriel Marcel: O Homem e a sua Obra.Roger Troisfontaines - 1949 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 5 (4):387 - 411.
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    Antropología del cerebro: conciencia, cultura y libre albedrío.Roger Bartra - 2014 - Valencia [Spain]: Pre-Textos.
  37.  40
    Selected Scientific Papers of Alfred Landé. A. O. Barut, A. van der Merwe.Roger H. Stuewer - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):334-335.
  38.  5
    Der Idealismus und seine Gegner in Österreich.Roger Bauer - 1966 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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  39. How Should One Live?: Essays on the Virtues.Roger Crisp (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The last few years have seen a remarkable revival of interest in the virtues, which have regained their central role in moral philosophy. This thought-provoking new collection is a much-needed survey of virtue ethics and virtue theory. The specially commissioned articles by an international team of philosophers represent the state of the art in this subject and will set the agenda for future work in the area. The contributors--including Lawrence Blum, John Cottingham, Julia Driver, Rosalind Hursthouse, Terence Irwin, Susan Moller (...)
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    Self-predication and the "third man" argument.Roger A. Shiner - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Predication and the "Third Man" Argument ROGER A. SHINER 1.1. IN COMMPm'mO on the 'Third Man' Argument (TMA), Proclus z produces the following line of thought. He argues that. if the relation of resemblance between Form and particular were symmetrical, the argument in question would be valid; the relation is not, however, symmetrical. Where a Form and particular are both alike, have the quality of likeness, the likeness (...)
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    Essays in Critical Realism.Ralph Barton Perry, Durant Drake, Arthur O. Lovejoy, James Bissett Pratt, Author K. Rogers, George Santayana, Roy Wood Sellars & G. A. Strong - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (4):393.
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    Lublin Thomism.Roger Duncan - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):307-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LUBLIN THOMISM 1 THE TEXTS of the philosophers associated with the Catholic University of Lublin, thanks to the tireless work and energy of an editorial board under bhe direction and support of Marie Lescoe, are at last appearing in English.2 'Dhe Lublin school is Thomist in inspiration and avowed adherence. It is Thomist, however, in a manner which makes liberal use of the works of Continental philosophers in the (...)
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  43.  10
    (1 other version)Who rules?: sovereignty, nationalism, and the fate of freedom in the 21st century.Roger Kimball (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Encounter Books.
    "Sovereignty or submission: Restoring national identity in the spirit of liberty," a symposium organized by The New Criterion and the Center for American Greatness, took place on October 16, 2019, in Washington, D.C. Participants were Michael Anton, David Azerrad, Chris Buskirk, Tucker Carlson, Angelo M. Codevilla, John Fonte, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, Victor Davis Hanson, Roger Kimball, Daniel McCarthy, Balázs Orbán, John O'Sullivan, James Piereson, and Kiron Skinner. Discussion revolved around earlier versions of the essays presented in this book.
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    Tensor: o que passa na escrileitura?Róger Albernaz De Araujo & Tamires Guedes dos Santos - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021029.
    O presente artigo tangencia o conceito de tensor esgueirando-se pelos platôs linguísticos de Mil platôs, agenciando o que Deleuze e Guattari potencializam em o que passou?, e que buscamos atualizar em o que passa? Nesse sentido, buscamos a articulação entre o que ambos os conceitos movimentam: isso, que acontece na relação entre dois ou mais estratos. Percebemos que o tensor transversa a obra de Deleuze e Guattari e, mesmo que não exerça um relevo, está lá, estrategicamente em funcionamento. Destarte, desejamos (...)
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  45. Talking With Objects -2013.Roger Wertheimer - manuscript
    Talking about objects requires talking with objects, presenting objects in speech to identify a term's referent. I say This figure is a circle while handing you a ring. The ring is a prop, a perceptual object referenced by an extra-sentential event to identify the extension of a term, its director ('This figure'). Props operate in speech acts and their products, not in sentences. Intra-sentential objects we talk with are displays. Displayed objects needn't be words but must be like words, perceptually, (...)
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    Knowledge of Language and Knowledge about the World: A Reaction Time Study of Invited and Necessary Inferences.Roger Chaffin - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (4):311-328.
    Necessary inferences (e.g., The jury was not able to deliver its verdict by 3 o'clock. The jury did not deliver its verdict by 3 o'clock.) depend on linguistic knowledge. Invited inferences, (e.g., The jury was able to deliver its verdict by 3 o'clock. The jury delivered its verdict by 3 o'clock) depend on knowledge about the world. Responses were faster to necessary than to invited inferences when subjects verified only one of the two inference types (Experiments 1 and 3). When (...)
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    Zgodovina danes: Dvomi, izzivi, predlogi.Roger Chartier - 1995 - Filozofski Vestnik 16 (1).
    Avtor ugotavlja, da so se zamajale stare gotovosti zgodovine in zgodovinopisja, da se je črv dvoma zalezel najprej v spoznavno-epistemološke kriterije vede, v kritiko tako strukturalnih kot kvantifikativnih metod, potem pa se še razširil z razpravo o ločnici med zgodovinsko in literarno pripovedjo. Po njegovem mnenju se zato na doslej neznanem križišču srečujejo tekstna kritika, zgodovina knjige in sociologija kulture. Izzive vidi tako na metodološki kot na teoretski ravni in ugotavlja, da so se nekateri avtorji že uspešno spoprijeli z njimi: (...)
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    Micro-History and Psychoanalysis: Ginzburg discusses the clinical case of the Wolf man of Sigmund Freud.Roger Marcelo Martins Gomes - 2019 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 24.
    Em busca da relação profícua entre Psicanálise e História, procura-se, neste artigo avaliar como Carlo Ginzburg, em sua trajetória intelectual e acadêmica, discutiu Freud e a Psicanálise à luz da Micro-História. Para tanto, a obra de Ginzburg Mitos, emblemas, sinais: morfologia e história tornou-se um manancial para esta busca. Nos capítulos Sinais: raízes de um paradigma indiciário e, principalmente, Freud, o homem dos lobos e os lobisomens, Ginzburg discute criticamente as interpretações de Freud sobre o seu caso clínico mais importante, (...)
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  49.  27
    Reflections on the history of science.Roger Hahn - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):235-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions :REFLECTIONS ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE Every discipline worthy of a name deserves to be criticized periodically, asked to explain its objects and assess its march. The history of science is no exception. Indeed, criticism at this juncture should be all the more welcomed since the subjcct has now won its place in the curriculum of Anglo-Saxon educational institutions, particularly in the United States where Ph.D. (...)
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    And That I See a Darkness: The Stardom of Kirsten Dunst in Collaboration with Sofia Coppola in Three Images.Anna Backman Rogers - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 23 (2):114-136.
    Sofia Coppola and Kirsten Dunst share a long-standing collaboration that has lasted from Dunst's adolescence onwards and into mature womanhood. As a former child star, Dunst has grown up in front o...
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